To be able to enjoy the benefits of Lindsey u3a, you need to become a member. If you are already a member of another u3a, you can join Lindsey u3a as an associate at a reduced fee.
To become a member, you need to complete the membership application form opposite. Details of payment and how to submit it are on the form. If you want more details about membership, the Membership Secretary, Tricia Barnes, will be happy to help. You can reach her at or through the Contact Us page.
Joining on or after the 1st July, the membership fee is reduced to half.
If you are already a member of Lindseyu3a, please use the renewal form.
Please consider registering for Gift Aid. Appropriate information is on the Gift Aid Page.
The Objects and Principles document will give you further insight into the u3a organisation. These documents can be found on the About Us page. Also, please refer to our Data Protection page where you can read our Data Protection Policy and our Data Privacy statement.
You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view and print the Membership Form and Objects & Principles document.
Lindsey u3a